Tuesday, November 21, 2006


我 很氣憤。不止一百次,被的士司機無理對待。劉德華到底說過多少遍,「今時今日咁0既服務態度唔得架啦!」我自問從來不曾無禮對待的士司機,三年前為號外寫的一篇香港的士專題,心神盡用沒花半點毫墨染污本地紅車子。然而,已經無限次,我坐短途的士,二十元正有找的車程,他們左右亂飄,沒理會車上有人,橫衝直撞,像駡人般責問我為什麼沒有零錢,又甚至開口埋怨我坐上他們的的士。長久的忍氣吞聲,今天,我氣難下。事件如下:

由於身上負件太重,唯有在落山道上車,牛棚下車,全程十五元正。抱歉。當我付款予司機然後要求回條之時,他一言不發把回條給我,然後本人收拾細軟下車,在半身踏出車箱之時,他自顧自用力自動關門,並同時發動車子離去。只差一點點,我將絆倒街上。那刻我氣得發呆,十五元不是錢嗎? 我不是付款搭乘的士嗎? 的士司機,如果你有人性的話,君不見本小姐身負多樣物件,件件頗重的嗎? 我很生氣,甚至氣至想哭……我現在不是坐便車等打救,那些錢是從本人的錢包走出來,用氣力辛苦賺來的錢,跟司機錢箱裡的都一樣。我想,香港的的士司機應該受受訓練,不是隨便可作的職業;這是一門專業啊!



hkoutsider said...

darling its been such a long long time! never see u online! is everything alright? im getting used to here but still need more time!!! let me know news ok??
love kk

leaf said...

kaka...right, such a long time. TIME really Flies!

How are you how are you how are you? November is such a fabulous month in Hong Kong, alot of great shows happened.

Just finished the festival, and everything went well. So lucky. I am so happy to hear from you.....when will you back?

I am going to Taipei on Dec, heard that there is a media arts show will be happened at that time. Michel Gondry will be there as well...I am SO EXCITED!


hkoutsider said...

ive been really busy these days as i had to finish 2 essays before jan and i ll have a breif xmas escape out of london so i hope to get work done before that! im glad to hear that everything seems great there! pls msn me sometimes when u online!!